Why Is Beta-hydroxybutyrate An Exceptional Fuel For The Body?
Why Is Beta-hydroxybutyrate An Exceptional Fuel For The Body?
People are ignited by the idea of the ketogenic diet. Chances are, you’ve heard about it. Intermittent fasting, low-carb high-fat diet and all that. Why do you think you’re reading this? Probably because you’re curious and interested to know what’s it about. You’re conscious about your health and we’re happy that you are. And if you’re considering this diet, you might find yourself on the right track.
Ketosis in Ketogenic Diet
Just a quick overview for you. Following a ketogenic diet requires your body to go under a very low-carb, high-fat diet. You must consume almost little to no carb. This means glucose, the main source of energy that your body uses, will run incredibly low. This is the part when ketosis happens.
Ketosis is a metabolic state in which instead of using glucose for energy, your body burns stored fats as it operates in an alternate source of fuel that comes from your body’s natural production of ketone bodies– acetate (2%), acetoacetate (20%), and BHB (78%). BHB, a.k.a beta-hydroxybutyrate, is the intended final product of ketogenesis and is extremely stable and abundant. It’s the ideal alternative source of fuel.
Benefits of BHB (Beta-hydroxybutyrate)
It’s Good For Weight Loss
Burning BHB for fuel can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite. Burning ketones reduces ghrelin levels (the hunger hormone). Because you feel full most of the time, you won’t need to eat as much.

BHB Can Help Prevent Cancer
BHB slows down the development of tumors because most cancer cells can’t use ketones well enough to grow and spread. Cancer cells feed on glucose (sugar) so the absence of glucose contributes a lot to the prevention of cancer.
Supports Mental Function
BHB supplies fast-acting fuel for the brain and is capable of supplying the brain with roughly 70% of its energy needs. Furthermore, BHB also exerts broad neuroprotective benefits including a reduction in free radicals, decreased neuroinflammation, and improved cognition in patients with dementia. Now that’s just superb.
Fights Oxidative Stress
BHB acts as a neuroprotective antioxidant. It can increase mitochondrial efficiency and reproduction. It improves the balance between inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters. It encourages the growth and differentiation of new neurons and neuronal connections. It prevents brain atrophy and plaque build-up. Stress? Can’t relate.
Combats Inflammation
BHB may help treat gout and prevent gout attacks by blocking an inflammatory protein called NLRP3. NLRP3 discharges inflammatory molecules that help the body heal, but when they are imbalanced, they can cause Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, gout, and other serious diseases.
BHB Is A Super Fuel For The Heart
Your heart prefers long-chain fatty acids for energy sources. Studies show that while you burn BHB, your heart’s mechanical efficiency increases by up to 30%, blood flow can increase by up to 75%, and oxidative stress in the heart cells decreases.
It Improves Workout Performance
Many studies have found that the use of BHB as fuel for energy in the body improves low-to-extreme levels of exercise performances. It also decreases fatigue and improves cognitive function during activity.
In a ketogenic diet, there are two ways to increase BHB levels in the body– endogenous & exogenous. Endogenous BHB is what your body makes by itself while exogenous BHB are external molecules taken as a supplement. BHB supplements quickly and effectively help raise ketone levels. Exogenous ketone supplements are proven safe and readily available in health stores.
If you’re looking for an excellent supplement to boost your ketosis process, well, your search stops here. Keto Boost is available for you. This supplement instantly brings your body to ketosis.
Visit www.sozo.ph to avail yours now